The weather in Central California is ideal. I love the coolness of the mornings and evenings. Last evening Mary and Rob took Elisha and I to Avila, CA. It is near Pismo Beach. It was a very special evening. The drive to Avila towards the great pacific was captivating. I loved looking out the window as we drove about a half hour to a very place.
They have what is called a farmer’s market every Friday evening during the summer. It is filled with local venders serving good fresh food at a reasonable price. Elisha had a shrimp taco, and I ordered the tuna burrito! Delicious. Music played in the back ground from a live band. Steps lead down to the beach, and it was there I watched Elisha’s glee! He begged me to allow him to take his shoes off. So, he then rolled up his pants, and he frolicked in and out of the tides. It was magnificently beautiful. The HUGE pelicans above we’re fishing with dramatic dives into the big pacific ocean. Incedible sight. I enjoyed watching Elisha enjoy the water, and in between I’d look up a the great birds. Although the water was cold, and usually only wet suited swimmers venture out in the waters of central Calofornia…he was clueless to the degree of the water. It was frigid. Eventually we all ended up on the pier-walking and watching the sunset. It was pink sky over the rolling hills and palm trees that line the horizon at Avila Beach. Suddenly, we all saw dolphins playing off in the distant. A first for me. It gave me great satisfaction observing this scene from nature. It felt like a gift from God for me. The breeze cooled, and the farmer’s market was winding down. We concluded our evening with ice cream at cold stone. A very sweet experience!