Above was taken at Twin Towers in San Francisco.
I assure you, Elisha was safe while snapping this photo.
There was a one foot drop to a grassy area that led to a very long leap below…
My adventuresome 9 year old was not in danger taking this photograph!
I have not posted since the eve of our excursion (a flight) back to the bay area in California. Words (for today) cannot describe the expereince both Elisha and I had with my brother Matthew and his lifetime partner, Michael. Being in the midst of my brother’s daily life in SanFrancisco and in a northern community 2.5 hours above the city was relaxing, enJOYable (my brother has a wit beyond anyone I have ever met, and kept us laughing), and an experience for all the senses.
We experienced the quiet buzz of a neighborhood in the Pacific Heights to the Sea lions’ calls on Fishrocks.
I will post the photos and let them tell the story, but I do have many snipets of time spent out west to share. Just not now.